VIP and Supporters Weekend Passes on sale Thurs, 1st May, at midday!


Equifest Cancelled Due To Red Traffic Light

Following this morning’s Government announcement that all of New Zealand will be moving to Red in the COVID-19 Protection Framework tonight at 11.59pm the Equifest team feel that we have no option but to announce the heart-breaking decision to cancel Equifest Summer Special.

As with how we've approached this situation all along, we have continued to proceed until we are told otherwise. It has become clear that there is no feasible way to plan the event which is less than 2 weeks away as Equifest is not allowed to run in Red. 

Words can’t describe the devastation from our team, the emotions surrounding the tireless work that has been put into trying to deliver you this event and what it means to have to make this decision.

Please give us some time, we ask for your patience and kindness as we work through the process and timing around refunding our ticket buyers, sponsors, exhibitors, competitors and suppliers.

We also want to acknowledge the incredible people who make up not only Equifest but New Zealand’s event industry. Your strength and resilience in staying determined to create celebrated events for people are not for the faint-hearted and we commend each and every one of you.  

The team will provide an update as soon as possible.


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