VIP and Supporters Weekend Passes on sale Thurs, 1st May, at midday!


New Brave Pants Leg-Up Marquee

The new Brave Pants Leg-Up Marquee is designed to help Kiwis entrepreneur turn their dreams into reality.

A goal of Equifest has always been to empower and support the New Zealand equine industry. So in conjunction with our supplier Carlton Hire and sponsored by The Brave Pants Co., we are excited to announce that we have added a newly designed exhibition space, especially for charities or new and emerging businesses, to showcase their side hustles.

The new Brave Pants Leg-Up Marquee is designed to help Kiwi entrepreneurs turn their dreams into reality. Exhibitors selected for the Brave Pants Leg-Up Marquee are at the organiser's discretion. They must fit our criteria of either being a not-for-profit charity or a new small business that is less than two years old, has a turnover of less than 35k and no full-time equivalents.

So, if you fit the criteria, it's time to put your Brave Pants on and get a Leg-Up from us to showcase your brand! Click here to find out more and apply.

More than just a brand, The Brave Pants Company is built on a mindset, a way of being, and a community here to support and inspire your equine journey. A conversation among equine friends sparked a need for BRAVE PANTS©, which was then formalised in June 2021. God knows we need some bravery in this epic sport!

Developed by sporting specialists, BRAVE PANTS© apparel is designed to provide a rider beyond just the physicality of its product. Every component of this brand is here to support you mentally, socially, physically and emotionally. From our support group to our sport psychology, we want you to believe in your own story and step up out of your comfort zone, knowing you have a whole team behind you.


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